Ilevatech Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Data Collection

Ilevatech is a registered business in kenya. Operating under the name ilevatech systems.The business entity collects data in the following ways.

  • Through our book demo page, we collect data that we use to reach out to potential clients.
  • Through our Contact us page, we collect personal information of people who wish to reach out to us
  • We may also collect data for individuals seeking employment through our careers page
  • The Agents/Landlords using our systems collect tenants data and use it for record keeping

Data Storage and Protection

Ilevatech systems has put some measures to protect the data collected. The following are measures taken by the business to protect your personal data

  • Data collected is stored in secure servers
  • We only collect relevant data and avoid senstive data such as ID NuMBERS
  • Sensitive information such as passwords are encrypted to avoid leekage.

Shairing of Data

Ilevatech Does not share your data with third party entities

Data Recovery

We do not guarantee that your tenant data will be restored incase its lost. While using our platforms we encourage you to backup your data on a regular basis.

We believe in enriching your brand

Get a free mobile app with your brand for your tenants

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